Women’s History Month is a time dedicated to honoring and celebrating the achievements, contributions, and struggles of women throughout history. We look forward to sharing a diverse collection of stunning works across various mediums - painting, ceramics, fiber art, and more - that reflect the unique perspectives and experiences of women. Join us in celebrating their artistic journeys and learning about the history of different crafts that helped shape the story of Women in Art. Please read all information carefully before applying.
2/16 Application Deadline
2/20 Notifications of accepted art emailed to artists
2/22 Piece Drop Off, Booker T Washington Building, 10 am – 2 pm
3/8 Gallery Opening Night, Booker T Washington Building 6 pm - 8 pm
4/12 Piece Pick Up, Booker T Washington Building 10 am - 2 pm
Eligibility: Open to female Rush County artists aged 18 or older. For the 2025 Women in Art Gallery there is no entry fee, commission, or prize; this is an exhibition only show. There is a jury process, and selected pieces will be accepted into the exhibition. Read and follow all instructions in the prospectus to ensure your artworks meet the criteria's set forth.
To Submit: Review the General Rules below to ensure that your art fulfills the requirements. Fill out the entry form here page by midnight of the submission deadline. Prior to uploading your photos rename them on the device you are using in the following format:lastname_firstname_titleofartwork.jpg. Make sure your photos are labeled correctly and that they are in a jpg format. Please make sure your image is closely cropped to the piece without any frames as this distracts our jurors from seeing your work properly. Not doing so could affect your submissions from being accepted into the jurying process.
Submit a short statement about each piece, no more than 300 words, to be displayed with the work. The Art Council will edit statements for clarity, length or typos. Accepted pieces will be posted to this page, and acceptance will be sent via email to artists by Thursday 2/20 by 12 pm. It is the artist's responsibility to check back for notification of acceptance to the show.
Drop Off and Pick Up of Art: Drop off is Saturday 2/22, 10 am - 2 pm. If you cannot drop off during the designated time frame, you must contact the art council to make other arrangements. Please email imaginenationrush@gmail.com if you have questions about the delivery and pick up dates. Art will be checked during drop off to ensure all requirements have been met. Art can be refused for the show if there are issues with presentation, hanging wire, craftsmanship, etc. Pick up will be Saturday, April 12th from 10 am - 2 pm. Pieces must be signed out by the artist unless permission has been given in writing for someone else to pick up the piece.
This is a juried exhibition. One to five pieces can be submitted. Artworks must be original and created by the person submitting. Painting, abstract, collages, digital art, photography, jewelry, sculpture, pottery, fiber art, and all other types of art are welcomed to submit, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements. No Reproductions and NO AI created art works. All works must be free of copyright infringement. It is the individual artist's responsibility to ensure that they are adhering to copyright requirements. The Imagine:nation Arts and Cultural Council is not liable for any copyright infringement issues that arise. Art must be on view for entire exhibition (pick up of art will be April 12, 2025).
Artworks, mats and frames must be in good and clean condition. Presentation must be professional and not detract from the artwork. All two-dimensional works must have a tight hanging wire, near the top 1/3 of the frame. Wire must be attached to the frame and not the backing/canvas. No saw-tooth hangers. Works must be labeled on back or bottom with artist name and title of work.
Size and weight limitations: Works requiring special installation must be cleared in advance. Imagine:nation will do our best to work with artists on displaying pieces of all sizes, but may not accept works we are unable to display. Large scale works or works that require special installation will need to be moved and installed by the artist. If you have any questions about if your work qualifies, please email imaginenationrush@gmail.com.
Artists are permitted to sell works during the exhibit. Prices must be submitted at the time of entry. Imagine:nation will post sale prices on listed pieces and collect contact information from buyers, but all sales must be handled by the artist themselves. All works for sale must remain at the gallery throughout the duration of the exhibition (pick up of art will be April 12, 2025).
While volunteers take great care with the artworks, the Imagine:nation Arts and Cultural Council of Rush County is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any damages to artworks before, during, or after this exhibition. Submitting your images is an indication that you give Imagine:nation permission to use images of your art for promotional purposes.
525 E. 7th Street
Rushville, IN 46173